Derby Neck Library Youth Services Mailing List
Thank you for your interest in our programs!

If you are a teen filling out this form for yourself you can ignore the Caregiver's First Name and only fill in your own name under Child's First Name. If you are filling out this form for multiple children, please write the name of each child interested in our programming, separated by commas. Example: David, Katherine, and Jason.

If you are having trouble filling out the form, you can call the library at (203) 734-1492 or email us at Thank you for your continued support of the Derby Neck Library!
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Caregiver's First Name
Caregiver's Last Name
Child's First Name
Last Name
The next question is about which target age groups you would like to receive information for. If you are looking for a specific program, please use the following chart to guide your decision, and remember--target age groups are suggestions, not rules! Learn more about each individual program by visiting our website:
What is/are target age group(s) you'd like to receive information for?
Do you have any questions for us or suggestions on how to improve our programming?
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