DC Burners Consent Work Survey
In the past year, the conversation about consent culture has been elevated. If you haven't seen it yet, a collective of camps and leaders came together to craft a DC Burners Consent Culture Statement: dcburners.org/consent

To that end, this is a survey to gather a little more feedback and input to help inform what the work of a Consent Working Group would be responsible for. So please take 5 or so minutes to complete this survey, as well as share it.

And if you'd like to stay updated, you may submit your email, to receive future communications. Your information and responses will remain absolutely confidential, and will only be seen by DC's Regional Contacts as well as members of the Consent Working Group.

Thank you, in advance - Nexus
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Had you known about and/or read the DC Burners Consent Culture Statement before this survey? *
How familiar are you with the Bureau of Erotic Discourse aka B.E.D.? bureauoferoticdiscourse.org *
Not at all familiar
Extremely familiar
How familiar are you with the Transformus' 11th Principle project? 11thprincipleconsent.org *
Not at all familiar
Extremely familiar
Consent is an issue that needs to be addressed *
Only at events (i.e. Burns, regionals, festivals, parties)
In the community at large
What are your concerns about consent in our community?
What are challenges you've experienced (directly or indirectly) regarding consent?
What are resources/supports/services which you would find useful in addressing consent?
What are immediate next steps that the Consent Working Group should consider focusing on?
What is your email?
This is optional, and only if you'd like to be kept updated directly with Consent work in our community and/or receive more information about the Consent Working Group.
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