#AskingAutistics about National Autism and Disability Policy
En français: bit.ly/AskingAutisticsCanadaFR
Alternate English version with first two questions broken down into multiple questions: http://bit.ly/AskingAutisticsCanada16

Autistics United Canada is #AskingAutistics for thoughts on national autism and disability policy.

Your responses will help us advocate on the policies that affect our lives.

This survey usually takes at least 15 minutes to fill out. There are 4 parts. You don't have to answer every question, and you can say as little or as much as you like.

The survey is ONLY for autistic people living in Canada or autistic people with Canadian citizenship living abroad. If you need help, you can ask for a trusted person to help you fill it out, but the answers need to be your own.

This survey is easier to fill out on a larger screen, like a computer. On a phone or tablet, it is best viewed horizontally (in landscape mode).

Your answers will NOT be saved until you submit. If you plan to write a lot, you can write your answers separately on a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word, WordPad) so that you can save as you write. Then, you can copy and paste your answers into the survey.

You can also give feedback in other ways:

1. In a longer form with the first two questions broken down into smaller questions: bit.ly/AskingAutisticsCanada16
2. Downloading and filling out the survey in Microsoft Word or PDF format from our website: https://www.autisticsunitedca.org/AskingAutisticsCanada.html
3. Using your preferred communication method (e.g. video call, audio call, text chat, email) during an interview.

Please contact us at info@AutisticsUnitedCA.org to set up an interview or to send your completed Word format surveys.

More information: https://www.autisticsunitedca.org/askingautisticscanada.html


We are asking your concerns and hopes on 8 topics:
1) Autism assessment and diagnosis
2) Research
3) Therapies and supports
4) Employment
5) Education
6) Housing
7) Healthcare
8) Government and policy making

We will also ask you which services and supports are most important to you.

You are welcome to share any personal stories on these topics. Everything you say on this survey will be kept confidential and anonymous. That means unless you give us your permission, we won't share your words with other people. While we ask for some information about you, we will not ask your name.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact us at info@AutisticsUnitedCA.org. 
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What challenges do autistic people face in Canada?  Please share your concerns in any or all of these topics: 1) Autism assessment and diagnosis 2) Research 3) Therapies and supports 4) Employment 5) Education 6) Housing 7) Healthcare 8) Government and policy making. [NOTE: If you prefer to answer this question in a broken-down format, please use this alternate version of the survey: http://bit.ly/AskingAutisticsCanada16]
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What changes do you want to see in Canada to improve the lives of autistic people?  Please share your suggestions in any or all of these topics: 1) Autism assessment and diagnosis 2) Research 3) Therapies and supports 4) Employment 5) Education 6) Housing 7) Healthcare 8) Government and policy making. [NOTE: If you prefer to answer this question in a broken-down format, please use this alternate version of the survey: http://bit.ly/AskingAutisticsCanada16]
Captionless Image
Can we quote your words in our advocacy campaigns and reports? Your name will not be shared. *
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