PROBROG Seminar Series Submission
Please use this form to make a submission for the PROBPROG 2024 Seminar Series
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Email *
Name *
Institution *
Position *
Submission Track *
Submission Title *
Submission Abstract *
Submission Materials

Please provide URLs to the following materials.

PPL Research Talk
- (Required) Camera-ready of accepted paper
- (Optional) Previous slide deck

PPL in Practice Talk
- (Required) Code repository, e.g., Github, GitLab, etc.
- (Optional) Tutorial or demo [Example 1Example 2Example 3]
- (Optional) Academic paper that describes or uses the software
- (Optional) Previous slide deck

Discussion Topic Proposal
- (Required) Description of the discussion topic.
- (Optional) Supporting material about the discussion topic; e.g., previous workshop paper, arXiv preprint, etc.
- (Optional) Names of additional discussants and discussion moderator.
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