2024-2025 Broadmeadow PTC Incoming Family Directory Form
Welcome to the Broadmeadow School!  Every fall, the Parent Teacher Council (PTC) prints a school directory with class lists and family information.  In order for your family to be included, we need your authorization and accurate information. We know starting in a new school is a big transition. The directory is helpful for families to get in touch with each other, to say hello or to arrange playdates, etc.

Families with Kindergartners: We also plan to share this information with other kindergarten families as soon as possible so that you may make some early contacts.  

Families will be listed by the child's last name in the directory, along with the full name and email address for each parent or guardian. This directory is a Broadmeadow family privilege for internal school use only.  Please fill out the Google form carefully to ensure we have the information you want included in the directory.

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Email *
CHILD INFORMATION: Please list the last name, first name and entering grade of each child who will attend Broadmeadow this fall.  Please use separate line for each child. *
Last Name:                                               First Name:                                         Entering Grade:
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