South Asia Economic History Workshop 2021 Application Form
Workshop Date: 14 May 2021

Application Deadline: 16 April 2021

Contact Information: (Safya Morshed); or (Alka Raman)

This is a call for papers for the annual South Asia Economic History Workshop hosted by the Economic History Department at the London School of Economics. The day long workshop is scheduled to be held online via Zoom on Friday 14th May 2021. The theme of the workshop this year is ‘South Asia through a Global Lens,’ where we hope to reconnect South Asian economic history with global academic debates. This year, the workshop will additionally include a panel discussion between four eminent economic historians of South Asia who will reflect upon the future of the field and the significance of the region in understanding global economic development.

This event will be the third instalment of the South Asia Economic History Workshop series hosted by the Economic History Department at the LSE and organised by its PhD students. The primary goal of this annual series is to field new research in South Asian economic history and encourage collaboration amongst academics focused on the region. This year, we hope to take advantage of the pandemic to host an online workshop that allows South Asian economic historians from around the world to join a discussion on the future of the field and its place in global economic history.

To apply, please complete form attached to this link by Friday 16 April 2021. If there are any questions regarding the workshop or applications, please contact Safya Morshed at or Alka Raman at

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Presenter Name *
University or Organisation *
Presenter Year of Study *
Presenter Contact email *
Co-Authors (if applicable)
Co-Authors University or Organisation (if applicable)
Paper Title *
Five key-words related to the paper (e.g. Institutions or Technology) *
Paper Abstract [Max. 1200 characters, approx. 200 words] *
How does your paper relate to the workshop theme 'South Asia Through a Global Lens' [Max 1200 characters, approx. 200 words] *
Questions for Panel Discussants (optional)
This year's workshop will host a panel discussion with four eminent South Asian economic historians on the future of South Asian economic history and pathways through which we can reconnect the field to global debates in economic history. We would therefore like to hear from the applicants what questions they would like to discuss. If there are any questions that you are curious about and would like to be included in the panel, please include them below.
Will the presenter be able to attend the workshop online via Zoom on 14th May 2021? *
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