SIMCON 46 Event Registration Form
SIMCON 46 will be held from Friday, March 21st to Sunday, March 23rd, 2025. Some common events include RPGs, board game tournaments, TCG events, and events related to our theme (this year, crazy eights!). This form closes on Feb 28th, 2025!

The convention will run from 6pm to midnight on Friday, 10am to midnight on Saturday, and 10am to 10pm on Sunday. If you have a specific time you would like to host your event, please note it and we will work with you depending on room availability. You are required to have a convention ticket to run an event.

If you would like to run more than one event please submit more than one event registration.

If you have any questions please reach out to us at
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Email *
Name of Event Runner *
Type of Event *
Event Name
Please write a brief description of your event, to be used in the convention booklet. *
What is the approximate length of time needed for your event? *
Is your event a limited space event, and if so, how many people can your event hold? *
If running an RPG, will your event be open to beginner players?
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Do you have a preferred day for your event?
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Please elaborate on your availability (i.e mornings, afternoons, evenings). We will contact you with final event time depending on room availability
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