Interest in Meeting with Legislators for WSPTA Focus Day - Monday, January 17, 2022
Hello Region 6 PTSA advocates! Washington State PTA Focus day is coming up soon and we’re making it easy for you to meet virtually with your legislators.  Focus Day is when we  advocate for WSPTA's top legislative priorities:

Please fill out the information below so that we can schedule meetings, and make sure that  legislators don’t receive multiple requests.  If you don't know your legislative district, you can find it here:

There will also be opportunities to send messages during Focus Week - we will make sure to keep you informed when you sign up.

To stay informed about this upcoming session, subscribe to the Focus on Advocacy newsletter and sign up for WSPTA Action Alerts:
To sign up for the Focus on Advocacy newsletter, scroll to the bottom of any WSPTA newsletter you receive, and click on subscriptions, or email
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
School District *
School/PTSA Name *
PTSA Board Position
Washington State Legislative District *
What WSPTA priority issue or issues are you most interested in speaking about? Check all that apply. *
What time or times are you available to virtually meet with legislators on Monday, January 17th? Check all that apply. *
It may be necessary to schedule legislator meetings for other days during the week. Please check all days on which you are available for legislator meetings. *
Are you able to help with setting up legislator appointments? (We'll provide help with emails and scripts) *
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