Let’s Talk About: Innovative Finance for Education 
The GIIA Forum brings students together with academic, private, public, and IO sector professionals, to explore diverse topics within impact investing and sustainable finance. It enables networking, promotes education, and stimulates insightful discussion to enable the growth of youth in the sustainable finance and impact investing industry. 
In the second event of our "Let's Talk About" series, we will be covering the theme of Innovative Finance for Education!

Our speakers for this event are Emon Nandi, Assistant Professor at the Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education (CETE) in Mumbai, and Hinah Mian, GIIA alumni and current Trainee in Advancing Research & Systems Change in Education at the Jacobs Foundation.

Date: Wednesday 17th April

Time: 11:00-12:30

Location: The Fab, Petale 2, Maison de la Paix

Please complete the registration form below if you would like to attend. 

As spaces are limited, we kindly ask that you let us know if you are no longer able to attend so that we can offer your space to someone else. 

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