Growth Drive 2023!
Welcome to the 2023 Growth Drive! If you're on this page by itself, I encourage you to check the full page at for some backstory, more information, and current statistics and other updates. 


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Participation Closed, Crowd-Funding still needed!
Unfortunately, due to the time-restrictions (weekly updates) on this comic, I have to close participation on it so that I can create artwork based on your contributions! 

As a result, any purchases, donations, tips, etc, made through the form below will NOT impact the character in the comic or the direction of the comic itself - but it WILL continue to support the comic and my work.

Your support and backing to complete this project, make it nicer than before (including going back and editing earlier pages), and generally helping me to create this work is a HUGE help and greatly appreciated!

Outside of these donations and contributions NO ONE is paying me for the hours it takes to create this project: It's not a commission, and I have no publisher, so that means its up to YOU and people like you to chip in and help make it a reality.

I'm SO so thankful to the generous folks who have contributed so far and made this project successful. Any additional support is always greatly appreciated. 
Display Name *
This name will be displayed next to your contribution. "Anon" or "anonymous" is ok, but this cannot be blank. 
Contribution Amount *
Just double-checking here... *
By checking this box you understand that your contribution above is a donation, tip, or gratuity and that the participation deadline for the growth drive itself has passed. Your funding above will contribute greatly to completing the comic and funding my work, and is deeply appreciated, but due to time constraints, it will not have a participatory effect on the character's build, shape, size, etc.
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