Collaborative Creators Company Advertising Portfolio Questions
We are here to help you focus your business growth. We do this by collaborating with professionals who can best assist your  needs. We work with business that are just starting or have been operating for years. With these questions you will embark on a journey to focus getting your message out and building a brand, a community or a store that aligns with your interests and passions. Collaborative Creators is all about getting people to work together to mutually benefit one another, help us get to know your business and mission so we can cheer you on! This is a free resource to you, a copy will be sent to your email after you submit it. Working through these questions will assist you in focusing your advertising whether you work with us or you just want to get all this information down and organized so you can make the next step.  It is why we send it with our action plans. Please schedule your next 1-1 sessions using 
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Email *
Name *
How did the company start?
What is the mission of the company?
What is the vision of the company?
What actions will you take to achieve the vision?
Where do you see the business in 5 years?
What are the values of the company?
How did you come up with your logo?
What does the logo stand for?
What are your brand colors?
What is the age range of your target market?
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What keywords would you use to describe your customer?
What is the salary range of your target market?
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What value does the company offer customers?
Where are customers buying your products?
Are you selling wholesale or retail?
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What do you sell?
Company partners?
Company sponsors?
Why are customers buying a product?
How do you encourage repeat buying?
What products does the company sell?
What are the prices of the products?
What are the costs to make the product?
What are the company monthly margins?
How much revenue goes into marketing?
Who are the company's competitors?
What companies do you follow as strategic alliances?
What are the companies existing media channels?
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When did the company launch?
How many followers are on each account?
How do you get followers? If you conduct business in person then answer from both an in-person and online social perspective.
How often do you engage/ post?
What is the company budget for paid ads per month? Or, how many networking/ social events do you attend.
Where do you purchase ads? What is your ideal audience and where do you engage with them?
Has anything worked well to gain followers and customers?
Has anything worked really bad and resulted in negative PR?
What do you want out of your social media accounts? Business in general?
What programs do you use to automate your business?
What are your catch phrases, hashtags, signature service or product?
What are your website urls?
Who are your website affiliates?
How do you want to improve your website?
What is your daily posting goal and how do you get the material for your posts?
What social groups are you in?
Are you a member of any chamber of commerce organizations? Which ones?
Advertising Goals
Your Company Name *
Do you want to schedule a meeting to learn more about how collaborative creators can help get your message out?
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What day is best to chat?
What time?
Best way to reach you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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