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Trojan Events Artist Registration Form
Thank you for contact us about performing at our events.
We are grateful for your enquiry, and we will be in touch. Please fill this form to speed up the process and so we have all of your information to hand.
If you have already filled this form out please
fill it in again for the same act! Any issues in the mean time please
contact us
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Type of Artist/Act
Celebrity Artists
Specialty Acts
Solos, Duos & Trios
Children's Acts
Christmas Acts
Halloween Acts
Primary Contact
Who is the primary contact for the band/artist/act
Your answer
Email Address
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Name of Band/Artist/Act
If you have more than one, you need to complete the form again for the different act/band name etc, click "submit another response" after submitting this form. Please do not submit the same act twice!
Your answer
What is the genre of music
Your answer
Link to the website or profile
Your answer
Media Link
Link to the media of the artist/band/act. E.g Youtube/Soundcloud/Spotify/Vimeo
Your answer
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