NOWALL 8 March
Peaceful Revolution as a Resistance Social Movement: the Unknown Citizens and the Fall of the Wall

March 8, 2021

18:00 - 20:00 Lisbon time
19:00 - 21:00 Berlin time
20:00 - 22:00 Helsinki time


Christian Joppke (University of Bern) - East Germany`s Unhappy Dissidents

Katrin Hattenhauer (Artist and Civil Rights Activist) - Experience and personal view about the unfolding of the Peaceful Revolution from the perspective of an activist

James J. Sheehan (University of Stanford) - The Problem of Peaceful Change: What are the conditions necessary to make a revolution peaceful? What role did the social movements in East Germany play in this process?

Ionel N. Sava  (University of Bucharest) - Difference between dissidents's action in Eastern Germany and the eastern block of Polish, Czech and Hungarian anti-communists

Hosted by Ana Mónica Fonseca (University Institute of Lisbon)

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