qPAWS - 2024 Goals
This survey is intended to help the qPAWS (qathet Parks And Wilderness Society) executive identify goals for the year ahead.  There are up to 15 questions. The survey shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete.
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qPAWS Goals.  What do feel qPAWS should accomplish in the upcoming year?  (Enter as many goals as you wish.) *
With reference to the goals you shared above, which three (3) do you feel are the most important and why?  (Please note in order of importance.) *
Which initiatives that qPAWS has been involved with in the past should NOT be pursued in the year ahead?  Please note why you feel this way.  
Board.  Are you interested in being a qPAWS board member in the year ahead? *
If you answered 'Yes' or 'Maybe' to the last question, please note your questions/concerns here
Advisor.  If you are not interested in a board role, would you be interested in helping the board in some way?  (e.g. on a committee) *
If you answered 'Yes' or 'Maybe' to the last question, please note your questions/concerns here
Who SHOULD be involved with qPAWS in the year ahead?  Please note the name and contact information of anyone you feel should be involved with qPAWS in some way as well as why you feel they'd be a good fit.  Share as many names as you wish.  We will contact them all!
Personal Goals.   What are you willing to commit to doing in the year ahead that would help qPAWS achieve its goals?  (e.g. maintain trail, maintain huts, manage relationships with stakeholders, manage grant applications, etc.  Enter as many goals as you wish.) *
With reference to the personal goals you shared above, which three (3) are the most important to you and why?  (Please note in order of importance.)
What aspect of qPAWS activities do you have NO interest in being involved with in the year ahead?  Please note why you feel this way.  
Roughly how much time you willing to commit to helping qPAWS each month?   (Assume a day has about 8 hours.) *
Other.  Please note any thoughts you have for the qPAWS board that were not shared above
Your name (First and Last) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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