Sleepover Canopy Booking Form
Please fill out the form and we will respond as soon as possible!

Be sure to double check the email address you provide, this is how we will be contacting you. Please be sure to check your spam folder as well! 

Weekends get really busy and sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for us to respond to new inquiries. Thank you so much for your patience. If you have not received an email from us after 48 hours, please email us directly at

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Event Date *
Any other availability in case your date is already booked?
Full Event Address (We are not currently booking parties located over 1 hour from downtown Rockford, MI) *
In order to keep our equipment safe and clean, we cannot accommodate party locations that are not smoke free. If we get to the set up location and it is clear that there has been smoking indoors, we have the right to refuse set up and your $50 deposit will be non refundable. *
Location Details *
What time would you like set up completed by? We will advise you on what time we'll need to start set up. *
Desired pick up time the next morning, our first pick up is at 10am but we will do our best to accommodate you if we can! *
Size of Set Up
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Would you like to add on any beds to the 1 canopy set up? ($35 each, beds will not be directly under canopy, but will be placed along the back edge)
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What Theme Would You Like? *
Need any alterations to a theme or would like to combo themes? *
Party Add-Ons (listed below are a handful of the available add-ons! prices listed on our website)
Interested In Any Add-Ons not listed above? Please list here!
Average Age and Gender of Guests (helps us determine decor selections) *
Are you celebrating anything special?!   *
Is there a guest of honor? If so, please list their name and birthday they are celebrating
Do you have any Questions or Concerns? *
Do you have a gift card or promo code? Put the code here!
How did you hear about Pretty Little Daydreams?
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