Congress Tracker: Health Care Bill - User submission form
With the national debate focused on once again overhauling healthcare, NPR, WNYC’s Data team and Member Stations are collecting the positions of each Member of Congress in a database that can be used by all Members stations for reporting.

Did your House representative or US Senator issue a statement that should be included in our tracker?
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Email *
Your name *
Congress member *
Key quote *
A short quote that best summarizes the Congress member's position, such as: "The President's executive order on refugees will harm, not enhance, our national security and marks a significant departure from our nation's proud history of welcoming people in need of protection." Do not use quotation marks.
Quote source *
Where did the quote come from? Primary sources are preferred (e.g. direct social media posts, press releases on official sites).
Quote date *
Quote source URL
URL to quote source. When quoting Tweets and Facebook posts, please use the full URL to the post in question (e.g. and NOT If quoting a series of Tweets, use the URL of the first Tweet in the series or thread.
What position has the member of Congress taken? *
Look for statements such as "I oppose this bill," or "I plan to vote no on this bill" or other statements that make clear how the member currently plans to vote. Please only use “equivocal” where there is significant ambiguity within the lawmaker’s statement and there are no other statements available to determine out their position.
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