War of the Phoenix Volunteer Form
Thank you so much for agreeing to help by volunteering at War of the Phoenix III. All events, large and small are only possible when we come together and work to make the dream come alive. Please complete the following form in order to help those organizing volunteers to make sure that all areas have the volunteers that they need to make the war a success. 
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What is your non-SCA name? *
What is your SCA name? *
What is the best way to get in touch with you? *
Phone Number
Email Address
Please select your home group.
If you are a member visiting from another kingdom, please list your Kingdom and local group.
Please select areas that you would be willing to volunteer. Select all that apply.
Let us know what day(s) you would be available to volunteer. Please select all that apply
What shift(s) would you be willing to work? Select all that apply. Overnight shift are for the Watch only
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