GUHSD Business Partner Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs. Your input and support help us keep our programs real and relevant. Without support from our partners, we would not be able to provide quality programs. Please fill out this form and our Work-Based Learning Specialist will be in contact with you.

With your partnership, our students will be better prepared for the workforce, and be more productive members of the community.
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Contact's Last Name: *
Contact's First Name: *
Contact's Phone Number: *
Please use this format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Contact's E-Mail: *
You are a: *
Please check all that apply
Name of Business/ Organization: *
Position/ Title: *
Description of the Business/ Organization: *
Business/ Organization's Website URL:
Business/ Organization's Social Media:
Career Technical Education (CTE) has become increasingly popular in the United States as more people are recognizing that CTE is highly specialized and incredibly versatile.

CTE Students are able to develop specific skills that are applicable to a broad range of real-world contexts  that make them employable in a variety of fields.  

The industry sector(s) I am most qualified to assist: 
Please click on an option below which best fits your involvement with Career Technical Education within the Grossmont Union High School District. *
I am interested in providing the following activities: *
Please select all that you would like to offer.
Were you recommended? If so, please indicate their name. If not, please write N/A *
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