Denge Medical Laboratories and Medical Imaging Center - Patient Satisfaction Survey Form
In accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 15189: 2014 ‘Requirements for Medical Laboratory Competence’
standards accreditation certificate that we have been granted, please answer the questions below to help us serve you better and improve the quality of our services.
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Email *
Your Title
Please rate your satisfaction *
I didn't use this service / I don't know
Very bad
Very good
In general, how would you rate our laboratory?
Are you satisfied with our patient greeting/registry/secretary services?
How would you rate the variety of our test list?
Do you trust our test results?
Were we able to answer your questions?
Can you view your results from our website?
Did you get your test results on time?
Did we find solutions to our recommendations or complaints?
Are you satisfied with our corporate relations services?
Are you satisfied with our delivery services?
If you're dissatisfied with anything, please share with us.
Do you have any suggestions for us to improve the quality of our service?
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