Beta Sign-ups 2021
Please note that email addresses will be used to automatically send you a copy of your sign-up and will not be given out to writers! We will only give out your tumblr/twitter.

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Email *
Tumblr URL *
Twitter handle *
Are you over 18 and willing to beta smut/porn content? *
Would you like to join the IkeVamp Big Bang discord server? *
What do you want to beta?
Spelling and grammar - you'll just be fixing the spelling and grammar in the fic

Characterisation - are the characters in-character, do their motivations make sense etc

Plot - Are there any plot holes? Does something not make sense?

Continuity - Is there anything that's inconsistent in the fic? Are the characters in a restaurant and then suddenly on the street with no explanation, did character A pick something up twice in a scene etc

Style - This should be agreed upon between author and beta as to whether it's wanted. The beta suggests style changes e.g there are too many adverbs used in a sentence, suggestions of changes to dialogue, structure etc.
What can you beta for Ikemen Vampire? *
What word count can you beta? *
What are your favourite things to beta? (Tropes, pairings, characters etc) *
Do you have any thing that you cannot beta? (A particular theme, trigger, pairing, character etc) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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