Empire Park Community League Survey
As a small group of residents, we created a subcommittee of the Empire Park Community League, to look at possibilities for our community hall. We are looking at two possibilities: a "new" hall or redeveloping the existing hall. In both cases, we are working within the size of land we have and the costs associated with this type of project. The following survey questions will help to inform the subcommittee as to what our community would like to see and/or do at the hall if we build a new hall or redevelop the existing hall. Please note that all responses will remain anonymous.
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1. What activities/amenities should the hall offer?
2. For what purposes would you consider using the hall?
3. Which type of kitchen would meet your needs when using the hall?
4. Please comment on how we can best provide modern, accessible, indoor washrooms: *
5. Would it benefit you to have an attached, secure outdoor washroom? *
6. How important is parking to your use of the hall or planned activity? *
Not important
Very important
7. Storage space can be a valuable resource for hall users, but it can limit the amount of room
available for running programs. Should storage space for materials be provided for programs or activities?
8. What inclusions would you like to see for the hall to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly?
9. To ensure we are gathering sufficient information from local residents including the Empire Park community, please enter your postal code (using the format A1A 1A1): *
10. Would you like more information on how to get involved with Empire Park Community League? 

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