NIV/ ICU Teaching Day
Attendance Record and Feedback for Regional teaching on 01/09/2022
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What is your full name?
How did you attend?
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Session 1 - How would you rate the session on NIV?
Very Poor
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Session 1 - Do you feel this session will affect your clinical practice?
Not at all
Will greatly affect my practice
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Session 2 - How would you rate the session on invasive ventilation?
Very Poor
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Session 2 - Do you feel this session will affect your clinical practice?
Not at all
Will greatly affect my practice
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Session 3- How would you rate the session cardiovascular support in the ICU?
Very Poor
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Session 3 - How do you feel this session will affect your clinical practice?
Not at all
Will greatly affect my practice
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If watched later via recorded videos click all that apply
Any other comments/ feedback?
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