2023 Water Year Impacts Survey

Water year 2023 is now in the books, and will likely be remembered as a dry year overall. How was the Northwest (WA, OR, or ID) impacted? The goal of this survey is to gather information about impacts that occurred and response actions that were implemented during the 2023 water year (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023) due to abnormally dry or abnormally wet conditions. This information will inform the Oregon/Washington Water Year meeting and PNW Water Year Impacts Assessment.

We welcome reports of impacts from those working in the water, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hydropower, and recreation sectors, as well as tribal, local, state, and federal agency staff that work with these sectors.

In this survey, you can describe impacts associated with abnormally dry or abnormally wet conditions for any of the following sectors. You may skip any sectors that do not apply.

1. Drinking water

2. Agriculture

3. Forestry

4. Fisheries

5. Hydropower

6. Recreation

7. Stormwater

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What type of organization do you represent? *
What sector(s) are you providing impacts information about. Please check all that apply. *

Did you experience specific impacts that could be directly related to the warmer than normal May temperatures or the mid-month heat wave? If yes, please specify.

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