BatBnB Customer Stories - Survey
Complete this 3-5 minute survey and be entered in a drawing to win a $30 Amazon gift card! Share your email at the end if you want to enter for the prize, or feel free to be entirely anonymous! We appreciate you taking the time.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How did you find out about BatBnB *
What made you excited to buy a BatBnB? *
What was your primary purchase motivation? *
Are you using BatBnB for your personal home, as a gift, or for a business? *
Where do you plan to hang your BatBnB? *
If you got it as a gift, what made you think the recipient would love this product?
What do you like the most/least about our product?
Do you plan on painting or staining your BatBnB? *
Have you mounted your BatBnB yet? *
If you have mounted your BatBnB, have you noticed bats move in yet?
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Are you a homeowner or renter? *
What is your gender? *
What age range do you fall in? *
Do you have kids? *
How likely are you to recommend BatBnB to a friend? *
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
How likely are you to buy again from us? *
What other products would you like to see in our online store (
What else would you like us to know?
Do you have any questions for us?
Would you be comfortable with us sharing a quote from this survey as a testimonial on our website? *
Share your email here to be eligible for the $30 gift card:
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