The Spectrum : Chinese New Year 2023 Gift Pouches
In welcoming the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, we are marking the celebration of this Chinese New Year a very limited edition of the adorable "Honey The Bunny" velveteen gift pouches, by Moon Xiu Yin!

Should you have any other queries please contact us at or drop a Whatsapp message to +6012 570 5041 and we will get back to you soonest.

Orders will be open as long as limited stocks last!

Thank you and stay safe!

*all prices stated exclude delivery, which is variable and subject to change by delivery service providers. 
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We will reconfirm your order with you before production commences. You will NOT be required to make any payments until then. Don't worry, we will get in touch with you first!

Should you have queries please contact us at or drop us a Whatsapp message at +6012 570 5041 and we will get back to you soonest.
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