Tiny Kindnesses are the types of kindnesses that feel small to the person giving them, but not at all small to the person receiving them. Instead, they're the the type they'll remember forever.
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1) Concise story
2) First Name, 3) Last Initial; 4 & 5) Place of Kindness
1) What is a small, significant kindness you’ve received
(Tell the story in a few sentences to a very short paragraph–the characters will max out at 900)
2) What is your first name?
(Feel free to use "Name withheld" if needed.)
3) What is your last initial? *
4) What city did your Tiny Kindness take place in?
5) What state or province and nation did your Tiny Kindness take place in?
(If a U.S. state, please use the 2-letter abbreviation 🙏)
Thank you for submitting your story!
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