2023 Bolivar Network Board Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering on the UVA Bolívar Network Board! The Board is responsible for engaging with the UVA Hispanic/Latinx alumni community and building strong relationships between UVA Hispanic/Latinx students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the UVA Alumni Association and other departments. Terms are for two years and board members can serve up to three terms. 

Please submit your brief responses to the following questions by 5pm ET on Wednesday, July 12. Applications will be reviewed by the current board and notifications will be sent via email August 1st. Board onboarding will run through August for a full transition in September. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to TheBolivarNetwork@gmail.com) or join the information session on Wednesday, June 28 at 5:30 pm. 
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Graduation Year and UVA School(s) 
Please note: This will NOT advantage or disadvantage your participation on the board.
Where are you currently based? *
Tell us a little bit about your time at UVA (e.g. what organizations were you involved with, key memories, etc.) *
How did you learn about the Bolívar Network? What is your understanding of the Network? *
Please summarize any special skills, experiences, and qualifications you have acquired from employment, volunteering, hobbies, other boards/alumni boards, or during your time at UVA that would benefit the Bolívar Network Board and UVA Hispanic/Latinx community.
What are your other time commitments? Please select all that apply. 
Please note, This will NOT advantage or disadvantage your participation on the board.
Which committee(s) are you interested in participating? Please select ALL that apply.
You can find more information about the committees here: https://aig.alumni.virginia.edu/bolivar/about/organization-structure/ 
Why are you interested in engaging on the UVA Bolívar Network Board? *
What do you hope to contribute to the UVA Hispanic/Latinx community through the UVA Bolívar Network Board? *
If you could kickstart one initiative in the first year of your participation on the Board, what would it be? How would you go about making it happen? *
Are you able to commit to a monthly Board Meeting via Zoom?  *
Are you able to travel to Charlottesville at least one time per year? 
Please note: This is not required but encouraged.
Please share a short bio. 
Is there anything else you would like to share?
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