2022 - 2023 BALIF Mentee Application
Greetings prospective Mentee! Please be as honest with your responses as possible to ensure BALIF places you with your ideal Mentor. Your responses shall remain confidential. Pairings will be released at BALIF's Annual Mentor/Mentee Happy Hour, which will take place on October 13th at SPARK SF. Please check your email for updates!  
Email *
Email Address
Phone Number
Sexual Orientation
Please Select from the following choices
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Current or Former Law School
Please Describe your legal interest(s) or practice areas(s)
Geographical Preference for your Mentor
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Have you participated in BALIF's Mentorship Program Previously?  If yes, please describe your experience.
Please describe your ideal mentor and what you would like out of this program
Do you have a preference for your mentor or anyone you would not like to be paired with?
By completing this application, I understand and agree to the following commitments: 1) To meet in person or virtually with my mentor at least three (3) times in a year; 2) To be reasonably timely in my communication with my mentor and to be respectful of their time; 3) To conduct myself in a professional, respectful and courteous manner at all times, and; 4) If I find that I am unable to meet my commitments, I will contact the New Lawyers Co-Chairs at newlawyers@balif.org.
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Please provide any survey feedback.
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