Healing US Film Screening - Sept 11, 2023
You're invited to a screening of the new film, "Healing US" about the struggle for universal healthcare in the United States. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion, including the creators of the film, experts in the field and organizers in the movement for universal healthcare. 

What: "Healing US" film screening and panel discussion
Where: Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs - 232 Broadway, Saratoga Springs - NOTE: If you are taking para-transit, the best entrance to use will be at the back of the hotel
When: Monday, September 11, 2023. Attendees should arrive by 6:30 in order to take a COVID-19 rapid test, provided on-site. The film will begin at 7pm. 
Cost: Free! If you'd like to contribute to help cover costs, donations will be accepted at the event. 
Who: This screening is being organized and sponsored by NY StateWide Senior Action Council, Saratoga Health Committee, Capital Region Poor People's Campaign, Campaign for NY Health, Capital District Alliance for Universal Healthcare, and others!

Learn more about the film and watch the trailer: https://www.healingusnetwork.com/watch-online 

COVID-19 Precautions: This screening is part of the NY StateWide Senior Action Council Annual Convention. Rapid COVID-19 tests will be available on site, and a negative test will be required to attend the screening. Masks are optional.

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