Financial Needs Assessment
Seeking your feedback for a program we are developing to offer a group buying option for organizations and businesses to obtain quality completion of yearly financial statements to help with access to funds. This program would provide monthly support to ensure that your organization or business is prepared and ready to submit documentation for either audited or financial statements. Please complete this short survey, which will assist us in developing this program.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your number? *
Name of Company or Organization *
1. What type of business do you have? *
2. How long has your business been operating? *
How much was your total revenue 2019? *
What is your expected revenue for this year 2020? *
Are you currently in need of additional funding? *
What is the last year your business/organization completed financial statements?
Are there any barriers to you completing your financial statements?
What is the last year your business/organization has completed its income tax?
Are there any barriers to you completing your income tax?
Financial Supports
This section covers what financial supports we can offer
What type of funding are you intersted in? Check all that apply
Would you be interested in participating in a joint buying program which will help you complete financial statements & tax filings at a reduced cost?
How much would you be willing to pay on a monthly basis to obtain your yearly financial statements, yearly tax filing and ongoing support? *
Is there anything else you would like to like to share that would help us to develop this program.?
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