2023/24 OUWC Membership Form
Please enter your personal details here to become an annual member of OUWC and receive a membership number. This will only be charged if you book onto a trip, and costs £25 for students and £28.65 for non-students. For more information please see http://ouwc.org/info-for-members/membership/ (note this may be slightly outdated).

* This form is for FULL MEMBERSHIP, required for signing up for multi-day/weekend trips. This is NOT REQUIRED for attending local walks.
* If you have already paid for this year's annual membership, please contact the treasurer directly at treasurer@ouwc.org 

If you are an Oxford university student, please use your Oxford college email when signing-up. Further when doing so, please use the format first.lastname@college.ox.ac.uk - your Oxford username (abcd1234 format) will not work for sending emails from our system.
Email *
First Name *
Surname *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
University of Oxford ID Type
If you are not a member of the University of Oxford or have not yet received a SSO, you will need a Oxford University Sport Membership (OU Sport Membership). 

Students can find their Member ID by visiting the online portal, clicking “Yes, I have an Email Address and Password”, inserting their college email address and clicking “Forgotten your password?” They will then receive an email with their Member ID and a link to reset their password. (Portal link:  https://oxforduniversity.leisurecloud.net/JoinAtHome/MemberRegistration.aspx?refresh=637716193331968699)

Any non-student members, or students who enrolled after mid-October can sign up for a new online account to get a Member ID. To do this, they can visit the online portal, fill in the basic details and then find their Member ID in their welcome email.
University of Oxford ID *
Study Status *
College *
If you are not a member of the university, enter N/A.
Address and Emergency Contact (Required by BMC)
Address is required by the BMC membership which is covered by the full membership of OUWC. For more information: http://ouwc.org/info-for-members/membership/ 
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Town *
Postcode *
Home Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number *
Name of emergency contact *
Contact number of emergency contact *
Relation with emergency contact *
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