Application form for participation
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Please, write down how you want to be addressed and what pronouns you prefer.
Your email for communication and announcements regarding the research group activities and organization.
Please, share a link to your social media (Facebook or Instagram, websites, etc.) This is important to ensure safety of all the participants.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your practice. Do you have experience in journalism, research, or activism? What are the main regions that your practice is connected with?
Which topics from the Open Call description are you interested in most?
Do you know an expert in environmental problems of your region that you could recommend as a guest speaker for the conference? What are environmental or activist initiatives whose experience can be useful for the research group participants, in your opinion?
Which time zone will you be in during the project period (mid November — mid December)?
The research group will meet twice a week (once — on workday evenings, and once — on weekends). Does this schedule work for you?
Please write down time slots during which you cannot attend the meetings.
Do you feel comfortable using Russian as a working language of the project?
Do you feel comfortable using English as a working language of the project?
What other languages would you feel comfortable using within the working process of the research group? Which language do you want to write the text(s) in?
Are there any barriers which you are concerned to face during lectures and workshops? (e.g. difficult language, unplanned interactions, inaccessible text formats etc.)
What accommodations do you need to feel comfortable during lectures and workshops? (e.g. pauses, slow simple language, etc.)
Do you have an Element account? If not, will you need help creating an account and setting up a messenger?
Is there anything else that we forgot to ask about and you would like to add?  
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