2024 People's Fund Application - Bodywork Recipient
This fund is for people who can't afford the minimum sliding fee amount of the bodywork practitioner they are wanting to work with. We ask that all recipients give something towards their session, no matter how small. Each individual who applies is welcome to receive up to six sessions supported by this Fund. We also ask that, if your sessions are supported by the fund, you spread the word and invite others to give so that the fund keeps going.  

This fund can be accessed by anyone in Minnesota, and is for receiving healing work that is body-based in some way. At least 85% of people receiving bodywork through this Fund must be Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color. This means if you are white, you may be put on a waiting list depending on what the percentages are at any given time.

Our goal is to open this fund to those who can not afford bodywork at the lower end of a practitioner's sliding fee scale without it. We are excited to share this fund and hope it can continue to build and grow and make healing work more accessible to a wider number of people. We invite you to take a moment to pause and self reflect on what access to resources you currently have, and have had throughout your life, as you think about what is possible for you to contribute. We know that often folks who have more money give less than they could in these situations, and those with less money stretch a lot to give more. We invite you to choose an amount to contribute that is truly work-able for you - this is a moment of opportunity for us all to shift patterns around scarcity. This may mean leaning into receiving and trusting that there is enough for all no matter what you are contributing. Or it may mean leaning into contributing more if you have some patterns of feeling like you have less money than you actually do. Please think of yourself, and please think of the collective - all of this is part of the healing.

A few things: scheduling with a practitioner is based on whether or not they have openings, and whether they are willing to work through the Fund. If you request sessions with a specific practitioner, we'll let you know if they can not accept a new person. This doesn't mean you can't use the fund, it just means you gotta pick a second choice.

Please use exact numbers, not a range. So, when you write how many sessions you want right now, list the exact number. Also list the amount you will pay per session and not a range. We know it might change but this helps us navigate the requests for support against the exact dollars we have. We don't want to say yes to your request and then find out that the money is all gone!

It will generally take 1-2 weeks to hear back from the People's Fund about your application status. Stay tuned!

Please contact our team at mnpeoplesfund@gmail.com with any questions.
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Email *
Name *
What are your pronouns? (for example: she/her, they/them, he/him)
Email address *
Phone number
Race/culture/ethnicity *
Gender/sexual orientation
Name and email address for practitioner you would like to work with *
Number of sessions you are requesting (up to six) *
Talk to us a little bit about why you need this fund and why it will be useful. This is not a test, we are just learning together with you how we talk about the concrete details of need without having to prove if you deserve this or not. We got you.
How much you are able to pay per session (please choose an amount that you feel able to pay, also knowing the more you are able to pay your practitioner, the more we can disperse to other people who will use the fund. this is the total amount you will pay - people are asked to not offer or accept tips for sessions through the fund) *
Anything else you would like us to know. *
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