2023 WCBA Award Nomination Form
The Wake County Beekeepers Association would like to recognize a few outstanding members of our chapter this year. Please submit your nominations below.

  • You may nominate yourself or someone you know.
  • All Nominees must be members of the Wake County Beekeepers Association.
  • NOMINATIONS ARE DUE: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 (by the monthly meeting)
  • Awards will be presented at the December meeting.
  • Questions? Contact Tom Wells, WCBA Director at: tomw@designdevelopment.com
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Email *
Award Categories: please select the award that applies *
Nominee's Name
Nominee's Email
1. How many years has the nominee been a beekeeper?
2. Is the nominee a member of an Association Committee?
Clear selection
3. Has the nominee served (or is serving) as an Association Officer or Director?
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4. Does the nominee hold a certification in beekeeping?
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5. Has the nominee collected a swarm this year?
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6. Has the nominee been an Association Mentor?
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7. How has the nominee served the Association?
8. How has the nominee served the Community in bee-related matters?
9. Has the nominee attended Bee School?
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10. Has the nominee participated in one or more of the Association projects? (State Fair, Bugfest, Bee School, etc)
Clear selection
11. Please tell us why this person should receive the 2023 award:
12. (for Sponsor of the Year) How has this Sponsor supported the Association?
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