Coach With Dunbrack 
Please complete this form as an expression of interest in coaching with Halifax Dunbrack Soccer Club for the upcoming 2024-2025 Winter Season. Coaches who are selected and appointed as head coaches will receive a stipend. Completion of this form is a requirement for both new and returning Dunbrack coaches. 
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth *
Email Address: *
Cell Phone #: *
Have you coached with Dunbrack before? If yes, please indicate which season, age group and gender.  *
Which program are you most interested in coaching? *
Are you hoping to coach your child's team? *
What coaching position are you interested in? *
Please indicate which (if any) coaching courses you currently have. Proof of certification may be requested. 
All coaches volunteering with youth players are required to complete a criminal record check and vulnerable sector search. Please indicate if you have a current check (less than 3 years old). If you do not have a current check/search, you will be be required to complete one for the club at no cost to you.   *
What interests you about volunteering with Halifax Dunbrack Soccer Club? *
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