Moddio Fellowship Program
Join our Fellowship Program and get a game publish-ready in 3 months! You will work directly with the Moddio staff to help you with your game.

You should apply if you are a motivated creator who is serious about making a fun and engaging game and getting hundreds of thousands of players. We'll reach out after we've reviewed your application.
Learn more about the Fellowship Program.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Moddio Username *
Discord Username *
Location (City, Country) *
Tell us about your game. If you have already started it, please share a link: *
What is your experience as a game developer? *
Have you used Moddio to make games before? *
What other game development tools and engines have you used before (e.g. Unity, Unreal, Godot, Scratch, etc) *
Have you ever published a game? If yes, please provide details (title, platform, year of release) *
Can you share a portfolio or links to your previous works?
How many hours per week can you dedicate to this program? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you or your project?
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