JiffyCon 2016 GM Signup
JiffyCon West 2016 | Date June 11, 2016 | Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.

NOTE: As of 6/5/2016, we have a full slate of games, please submit by special arrangement only. Contact us at jiffycon@gmail.com.

See http://JiffyCon.com for details and code of conduct.

A few things to note:

-Regular JiffyCon attendance fee is $10, with pre-reg/$15 at the door. We're giving GMs a $5 discount from that in thanks.
-We ask that GMs only run one session of their game.
- If you want to run live action games, contact us to see if we can accommodate your event.
-We can't guarantee a morning or afternoon slot, but you're welcome to state your preference at the end of the form.

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Your name: *
Your preferred e-mail: *
What game would you like to run? *
Is this a roleplaying game or tabletop board game? *
How many players can the game accommodate? (not including GM/facilitator) *
Who is the author or creator of the game? *
Is this a published game or a playtest? *
Please enter a brief description of the game. (Include website if there is one) *
What is the age appropriateness of the game? *
If your game can accommodate younger players, tell us what ages are appropriate?
Do you need childcare for this event?
Note: The JiffyCon organizers can't promise to provide childcare, but we'll try to put you in touch with others with children!
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Questions, comments, preferences? State 'em here!
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