MADFORNFTs CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION FORM ( Your Passport To The World of Non Fungible Planet )
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To The World of Crypto and NFT Tribe.  Your Passport to the World of  Crypto & NFT Collection, Networking , Meme World , Events , Retreat , Party and Bringing the world of luxury to our Community.

Thank you for applying , for your application to be accepted you need to fill the form below , once your application is accepted you will receive our Citizenship Passport and access to our Planet.  For more details visit our website mentioned below.
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Name *
Email *
Telegram ID *
Discord ID  *
Linked Profile link
Twitter Handle 
Brief overview of your Crypto & NFT experience 
What you can contribute to CFJ & MFN Community , Crypto and NFT Planet
Your ERC-20 Wallet Address (Eg Metamask Wallet ) *
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