Langlade County Pumping Report
Please fill out the following information to submit a pumping report in Langlade County.
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Email *
Pumper Name *
Pumper License  Number *
Permit Number *
Permit numbers are required for all submissions. The permit number is located on the pumping notice sent to the contact of record for the system. If you need Land Records and Regulations Staff to relocate the permit number for you there is a $10 fee. (You can attempt to find a permit number for a holding tank here:                   Holding Tank Spreadsheet for Pumpers
Is the system being pumped a Holding Tank? *
Is the system ponding? *
Pumping Date *
Estimated gallons pumped? *
Please enter "0" if the system will be deferred.
Was pumping deferred? *
If pumping was deferred, please indicate pumped gallons as "0".
If pumping was deferred, please explain why:
Any other notes:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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