Fill in the lock answers once you have completed:
4 Readings
4 Quizzes
4 Puzzles

If you're stuck , go back through the rooms to see if you missed something. Remember, there is a CLUE at the end of each quiz.
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Lock # 1: (Spell out the number)  The number of suns in China's sky. *
1 point
Lock #2: (Spell out the number with NO spaces)  The year Thanksgiving was established by the president of Brazil. *
1 point
Lock #3: The year found in puzzle #3. (Spell out the number with NO spaces) *
1 point
Lock #4:  The number found in puzzle #4.  (Spell out the number with NO spaces) *
1 point
FINAL LOCK: Enter the directions given to you as clues in order from puzzle one to puzzle four. (Spell out the directions with NO SPACES!) *
1 point
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