A Taste of Orff!
Please join us for "A Taste of Orff" on Monday, August 26th. Come join us for an engaging morning of activities, sharing, and fun to get you back in the groove for the school year ahead!

Please send your registration fee by e-transfer to orffnstreasurer@gmail.com.
Please e-mail orffnovascotia@gmail.com if you have any questions.

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Name (First and Last): *
Preferred E-mail (one you check in the summer time):
The day will be lead by experienced Orff educators, but is a also a great opportunity to get up and share an a song or game you love with your peers! Would you like to share an activity at this workshop? *
If you clicked "Yes, please!"  as your answer to the previous question, please tell us a little bit about the activity you would like to share and approximately how much time you think you'll need!
Please click "YES!" when you have sent your e-transfer to orffnstreasurer@gmail.com to complete your registration. The fee is $10 for COC members, and $15 for non-members. If the account is not in your name, please include who the e-transfer is for in the notes. *
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