Tour The Green Village April 26, 10 - 11 am
On April 26 from 10 - 11 am, Programme Manager Floor Hoogenboezem will introduce you to the world of sustainable innovation in our inhabited field lab. After a brief explanation of The Green Village concept, it's time to go on a *free tour

Floor will show you some inspiring and sustainable innovation projects on our terrain and tell you about their (potential) impact, about innovations that have been scaled up, but also about the challenges to get them scaled up. All these innovations can be divided into three themes: Sustainable building and renovation, Future energy system and Climate-adaptive city.

The Green Village
Van den Broekweg 4
2628 CR Delft

Meeting point
Outside the Co-Creation Centre, the large glass building on our terrain

How to get there

This tour is especially for visitors of the AMS Conference. Please note that max. 20 people can go on this tour and take into account that you have to travel to The Green Village by yourself. First come, first served. You will receive a confirmation email from a member of our team within 24 hours.

Looking forward to meeting you there.


Floor Hoogenboezem

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