Mehlville School District                                          School and Business Partnerships
Mehlville School District strives to provide students with positive, engaging opportunities inside and outside of the traditional classroom setting. Partnerships with local businesses help to ensure our students are future-ready and prepared to be contributing members of our workforce.
We are interested in business partners for the following activities:
- Serve as guest classroom speakers
- Host internships or mentorships
- Create student project topics
- Host job shadowing visits
- Provide equipment and supplies

You may volunteer your time just once or on an ongoing basis. If you are interested, please complete the form below or contact me directly. Thank you for your willingness to support the students and staff of the Mehlville School District.

John DeWalle
Director of College and Career Readiness

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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Business Name
Business Address
Business Type
Job Title
Which description best describes your industry?
I would be willing to:
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