E&PDE 17 Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future
Your feedback is important to us as it will help us to continuously improve our Conference.
Please take a moment to complete the following form.
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How did you find the online conference system?
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In your opinion was the pre-conference administration?
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How would you rate your welcome to the conference and the information provided?
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How would you rate the first keynote speaker James Carpenter?
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How would you rate the second keynote speaker Anna Kirah?
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Please rate the conference app as a tool for accessing and seeing the conference programme clearly?
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Please rate the conference app as a tool to enable voting for the best presentation?
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In your opinion were the quality level of papers presented:
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Do you have any comments re the Conference Dinner?
Did the Conference meet your expectations?
Would you be happy in future conferences to access full papers online rather than USB sticks? *
Do you have any additional comments you would like to make or suggestions for improvement?
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