Division 50 Student Case Presentation Series
Thank you for your interest in presenting a case for the Division 50 Student Case Presentation Series! This case presentation will take place on a date/time that is convenient for you and the moderator from [date range].

Please complete the form to the best of your abilities. As a reminder, please maintain confidentiality and privacy when describing clinical cases. 

The case presentation will involve the following:
  • Moderator and student meet at least once prior to the presentation date to discuss case 
  • Presentation

    • 10 minutes: student presents case

    • 10 minute roleplay: student acts as their client and moderator/supervisor acts as a clinician to show student/attendees how they would handle case

    • 35 minutes: moderator opens Q&A discussion for remainder of time

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How did you hear about this opportunity?
Please provide at least four 1-hour slots when would you be available from [range].
Please describe the case you would like to present. 
Please describe how substance use or addictive behaviors are relevant to the case. 
Please describe your current conceptualization/understanding of the case. 
Do you know of any clinical supervisors with expertise in topics related to your case who might be open to moderating the presentation? If so, please provide their names and emails (as we may reach out to these suggested supervisors).
Do you have any suggestions for clinical supervisors who could moderate a future student-led case presentation? 
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