Consent Incident Report
This form is for reporting behavior that is not in alignment with the agreed upon Etiquette and Protocol of our community.  It gives you a record of having reported it, and ensures that we have a record of the incident.

The online entry for this form lives at 

We use this email address below to keep you informed of incident progress.  If you wish to remain completely anonymous, you can just use as the email address.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Who are you?
You can leave this blank, but anonymous reports are not immediately actionable.
Who are you in relation to this incident? *
In general, out of respect for the impacted, only 1st person reports are actionable.  That said, we value witnesses, upstanders and co-strugglers and will use your Report to help make our community healthier.  We cannot improve what we don’t know.
Where did this incident happen? *
In general, only incidents that happen in Brulee are actionable.  Other Spaces have different Etiquette and Protocols. That said, we welcome any and all information we can use to make our community safer.
When did the incident happen?
In general, incidents that happened more than a year ago are not actionable.  That said, we value every incident report as it helps us to grow and evolve our Etiquette & Protocol.
This incident was...
Incidents more than a year old are generally not actionable beyond being informational.
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Who was Impacted by this Incident?
Who is Implicated in this Incident?
As a general rule, if you are the Impacted party and are reporting someone, our protocol is to contact the Implicated parties to interview them about their role in the incident.
What happened? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Cirque du Kinque. Report Abuse