Submit a Silent Book Club Chapter
Thanks for starting a Silent Book Club®! The name "Silent Book Club" is trademarked, so host or promote SBC events you need to be part of our organization. There's no cost to join as an organizer, unless you are partnering with us as a business to charge admission for events. Contact us at for details.

To add your chapter to our map and website, we need a single place where members can find upcoming events online. This can be on or Eventbrite, a Facebook or Instagram page, or another website where your attendees can find information about your meetups. You must have an event scheduled and posted before submitting this form. 
We add new chapters weekly, so it may take a few days to process new requests. Please email us at if you have any questions. We're here to help!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Have you searched for an existing chapter in your neighborhood? Check the map *
We encourage collaboration with existing chapters, either by co-organizing meetups or adding an additional venue or meeting day. If you'd like us to put you in touch with organizers, email with the chapter you'd like to collaborate with.
Silent Book Club Chapter Location (Name, City, State, Country) *
If there is an existing chapter in your city, please submit a different chapter name. For example, in Chicago we have SBC Chicago, SBC Chicago Northwest, SBC Chicago South Side, etc. See example
Chapter Website: A single place online where future events are listed (, Eventbrite, Facebook,  Instagram, venue calendar, etc) *
Please be sure you have posted to the account, and have at least one event scheduled before submitting!
Chapter Description: Please share 1-2 paragraphs about your group *
This text will appear on our website and link to your chapter website. See examples
Your Name (will not be shared) *
Your Email (will not be shared, but will be added to our organizer email group) *
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