French 2 HQ-25 User Agreement
Corresponding Author: Marie Jeanne Guedj
Institution: Ancien chef de pôle Hôpital Sainte Anne
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The French HQ-25 (Version #2) is available for use free of charge by those agreeing to the following terms:
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Please provide your full name. *
1. I understand that the HQ-25 has only been validated as a self-administered instrument to assess severity of hikikomori symptoms over the preceding 6 months. Other uses have not been validated. *
2. I agree to contact the measure's authors regarding interest in other uses of the measure. *
3. I agree not to use the measure for financial profit. *
4. I agree not to distribute the measure to others outside of my research group or organization. *
5. I agree to notify the HQ-25 authors of any publications related to the use of the French HQ-25. *
6. Primary reason(s): *
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