Board Member Application: McFarland Soccer Club

We’re excited to announce two open positions on the McFarland Soccer Club Board: Secretary and one Board Members at Large. Serving on the board is a meaningful way to support our community, contribute to the success of the club, and make an impact on the youth involved in soccer. Below are the details about each position:


The Secretary is a key administrative role, responsible for ensuring smooth communication and record-keeping within the club. Responsibilities include:

  • Attending all board meetings and maintaining accurate minutes.
  • Keeping club policies, procedures, and bylaws updated.
  • Assisting with scheduling and general administrative tasks as needed.
  • Track background checks from club coaches and staff as well as updating SafeSport requirements for the club
Board Member at Large (1 position)

Board Members provide vital support to the board and the club, offering their skills and perspectives to help guide the organization. Members at Large get to choose a key role they would like to lead within the board.  Some of these key roles include Web/Technology, Social Media, Volunteer Coordinator, Fundraiser, Equipment Manager, Youth Coordinator, Apparel, etc...

Board Members play a flexible and dynamic role, contributing where they can make the most impact. 

Key Dates
  • Application Deadline: February 10, 2025.
  • Election Date: Board positions will be voted on at the Annual All-Club Meeting on February 24, 2025.
  • Board members will have their registration fees waived for the 2025/2026 season!
Time Commitment & Qualifications
  • Board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings and contribute additional time based on their specific role.
  • Ideal candidates are passionate about youth sports, organized, and collaborative. Soccer knowledge is helpful but not required.
  • Board positions are a 3 year term
How to Apply

If you’re interested in joining the McFarland Soccer Club Board, please fill out the form below and submit by February 10, 2025.

Together, let’s continue to support and grow the McFarland Soccer Club!

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Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Positions(s) of Interest *
Are you open to serving in another position if your first choice is unavailable? *
Tell us about your relevant experience or skills for the chosen position *
Do you have experience with youth sports or volunteering? *
What strengths do you bring to the board? *
Are you able to commit to regular board meetings and responsibilities? *
Do you have any scheduling conflicts we should be aware of?
Why are you interested in joining the board? *
Would you be interested in a larger board position in the future?  Such as President? *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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