Bioengineering Student Concerns
We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on your BENG professors, TA's, Staff.

IMPORTANT: None of the professors, TA's and staff will view the responses you provide. You will only be contacted by the BMES President or the Student Representative. 

DISCLAIMER: If it does not apply to your case, but is a required question, enter "N/A"
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Classes: BENG *
Professor: Name *
GTA/TA: Name *
Only enter if the issue pertains to a GTA/TA
Enter: Feedback regarding issue *
Enter: Proposed solution(s) to implement *
Enter: Any general feedback for the department *
Enter: Any additional information *
Do you want to be updated on the case in the future? *
Enter: Contact Information and Name if you would like to be updated in the future
Again, you will only be contacted by BMES officers.
Enter: Email and Name
If you do not leave contact information, we will assume you do not want to be updated or contacted about the situation.
Do you want to be contacted privately by the BMES President, Lucia Rodriguez, to give an anonymous statement to the department? *
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